New Pilot Orientation

From HMA Wiki

Getting on Comms

Description: Guidance on getting onto voice comms.

Purpose: Comms are an important part of coordinating activities in Eve Online. While not strictly necessary for most HMA activities it is essential for anything that requires rapid communication such as combat, incursions,


This is used by the HMA because it requires no special client or installation. It is also used by many groups for their social comms due to its convenience.

  1. Obtain a Discord invite such as this one for Rogue's Gallery and click on it. These are frequently located in channel MOTDs or on the group's website.
  2. Select your Display Name. This should, ideally, be the name of your character.
  3. Create and Account or Login.

Setting Up Your Overview

Description: Guidance on setting up your Overview

Purpose: Your overview is your primary source of information regarding your immediate environment. By properly configuring it you can improve your efficiency and success by prioritizing what you need to see and reducing noise.

There are a number of great pre-configured overview packages such as: TBD. Just go to their in-game channel and follow the installation instructions to set them up.

To roll your own, consider what you information is important to you.

Finding a Corp

Description: Guidance on how to find and join a corp

Purpose: Nothing impacts the quality of your experience in Eve Online like the corporation you fly with. So, it is essential that you find the right one for where you are.